Monday, January 15, 2007

Perfect Day

Yesterday was probably the best day I’ve had in Sydney. Finally summer seems to have landed.... FINALLY! I actually felt very happy and had a wonderful day. Started with a 30 minute jog around Balmain – always makes me feel fab after a long run! Then B&I went to Leichhardt to do the weekly grocery shopping – god I love Leichhardt, infact I just love the Inner West of Sydney – it has so much character. After stocking up on way too many gourmet delights I then headed over to my friend’s place in Paddington where we went for a 90 minute walk through Centennial Park (reminded me so much of Hyde Park in London – can’t believe I’d never been there before!!!) Of course looked at the shops along Oxford Street....

Then B&I played tennis in Birchgrove for an hour – the court has a stunning view over the water. It was a magic day!!!! I then collapsed on the couch and cracked open a bottle of Oyster Bay sauv blanc......

ok in 3 months I'll be a MRS!!!!!!!!!!!! And lazing in the stunning B&B we've booked for our 2 nights after our wedding. I'm so god dammed excited! And terribly excited about the 6 weeks through Asia and Europe.


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