Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Sometimes I wonder if all this exercise pain is worth it?!?!? I’m sure it will be on my wedding day and honeymoon but at the moment – one more Pilates Reformer Class, one more 8km run or one more set of bicep curls just seems too painful!!! I even walked to work this morning from bloody Balmain. Got all hot and sweaty for all of the wrong reasons!

The only thing that keeps me going is the comment from a girl I worked with who said I had the most amazing thighs.. (ok so I’ve got good legs – it’s the killer abs and arms I want!!!!)

God my other new addiction is Melrose Place. I bought the entire Series 1 on DVD and every night I have to watch at least 1 episode. I’d totally forgotten how absolutely HOT Jake is... And how annoying Alison is and how stunning Jane is.. I’m going to organise a Melrose pizza and wine night soon – just like the old times.

off the topic - Bought my wedding shoes from Gary Castles - cream leather stilettos, I have no idea how the fuck I'm meant to walk in them but hey, they look good... and at least I can dye them black or red after the wedding


Blogger Julia said...

Oh I wanted to buy that DVD set! Good to hear you writing about it - it must be worth it!

And very exciting about the shoes - you'll be fine!!!

Thu Jan 18, 01:37:00 PM GMT+11  

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