Tuesday, October 03, 2006

goings on

Unfortunately I post not too often as I have a job that the harder I earn the more money I earn and seeing I'm going on a 6 week honeymoon next year through Europe and Asia and I want to SPEND big I'm working oh so hard to earn loads of bonuses!!!

Anyway been having too much fun lately:
Partying with a group of fireman the other week was a laugh. Yes they have hot bodies but they were young and I'm nearly married! Still, dancing at a dodgy club in Balmain is always fun. So is drinking lots of cheap champagne. Photo below - me in the stripey top.

This weekend just gone was spend soaking up the rays next to the rooftop pool at our apartment block, and swimming. Lazy days with magnificent views across Sydney Harbour, reading In My Skin by Kate Holden. Great book.

Saturday evning dinner in Manly so fiancee could watch beer wenches in tight tops, at the Bavarian Bier Cafe (start of Octoberfest - I could see myself kicking back with beers oh so often over the next few weeks).

Sunday more pool side antics then out with Julia on Sunday night. Think at 31 I'm getting a little too old for clubbing... still, it was fun and love to have a boogie at gay clubs. Takes me back to London days.

Yesterday spent the day drinking mango daiquiris (I do make the best ones!) and eating Maggie Beer pate and goats cheese with lovely fiance, watched World's Fastest Indian on DVD.

Recipe for Mango Daquiris (makes enough to regret ringing your mother after consuming)
3 shots bacardi
2 shots cointreau
1 shot mango liqueor
1 shot lemon juice
1 shot lime juice
2 fresh ripe mangoes

Blend in blender, drink through straw and enjoy that sloshed feeling!


Blogger Julia said...

What a funny photo! I am so making those daiquiris (or you can come over and make them and I'll make some finger food!)

Wed Oct 04, 10:03:00 AM GMT+10  
Blogger Em said...

sounds good! haha.

they are delicious and very moreish.

Wed Oct 04, 10:20:00 AM GMT+10  

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