Tuesday, January 24, 2006

French Daily Phrase

I was given this desk calender for Christmas and every day it has a different French phrase (with the translation in English). I must start posting daily phrases!

Today's is
mardi 24 janvier (Tues 24 January)
Couvre-toi bien!
Dress warmly

at the top of the calender is the verb or noun. Today's was se covier (to cover up)

aaah some how Australia in January - you need to undress not dress! It's so hot!!!! Anyway at least it teaches me new/different phrases.


Blogger machiruda said...

Oh, that sounds like a cool calendar! I want it :) Should make learning French a bit more fun at least.

And for this part of the world the phrase is actually appropriate... I'm freezing here, would much rather be in Australia right now!

Tue Jan 24, 08:35:00 PM GMT+11  
Blogger Em said...

yeah it's great!

oh it's been really hot here - 40C (103F+) The thought of ice and snow is very soothing at the moment

Wed Jan 25, 07:30:00 AM GMT+11  
Blogger Julia said...

Oh, that's so cute! I always mean to get one of those. That, and those French magnetic words for the fridge (except I'm such a pedant for a magnet-free fridge).

Wed Jan 25, 11:31:00 AM GMT+11  

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