Saturday, October 22, 2005

Art is my passion

Art, fashion, the theatre, photography, cooking and running are my passions. I'm such a visual person. I would rather look over read.

Here are some pics from a small selection of my fave artists:

coutesy of Monet. Houses of Parliament. London

pic from Say no more?? I can never ever get enough of his paintings

from Andy Warhol. i swear I was meant to have been in my 20s in NYC when Andy Warhol and Studio 54 were hip. Amazing stuff

pic from This would be one of my favorite paintings. So equisite. How much do I want to go back to Paris??


Blogger Julia said...

Yep, you have three of my favourites too (including the Van Gogh painting, which I love love love and had on my wall for many years). I did my final Art History essay on Andy Warhol (have you read his Diaries? A great read). And I was lucky enough to catch a wonderful Dali exhibit in London ( I think) 2 years ago, just breathtaking pieces and ideas.

Mon Oct 24, 11:16:00 AM GMT+10  
Blogger Em said...

Yes I have read his diaries! Amazing stuff

Unfortunately none of the 'big names' tour Adelaide, I always seem to be missing out on exhibits. When we go back to London though - I'll be at the galleries every weekend!

Wed Oct 26, 11:09:00 AM GMT+10  

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